7 Tools For Crop-Scouting Success

What BW Fusion Agronomists Keep Handy in the Truck
As an agronomist, you never know what your day might hold—from a change in weather to a change in fields and the need for a solution or closer inspection. BW Fusion agronomists come prepared with everything you would expect, plus a little more. Here are our top 7 must-haves found in each of our agronomist's trucks for a successful day.
Small Trowel: A great tool if needing to dig up a plant early in the growing season.
Sample Bags: You never know when you might need to take a soil or tissue sample.
Tape Measure: Stand counts are always a necessity!
Cell Phone: Phones have many uses, including taking pictures of the field, plant or root system and having apps in the palm of your hand. We continually utilize the Agronomy 365 app to share pictures from the field and check in with other growers.
Gram Scale: When corn gets into the R stages, we keep this scale handy to weigh ears.
Large Shovel: Essential to get the best root sample of a plant.
Pocket Knife: They have many uses in the field. We often use this tool to cut open a corn stalk to see if we can get to the root of a concern or question.
Every farmer or professional in agriculture has their go-to items that help make the day more successful. What are your go-to tools? Tag us in your photo on social media or use #LeadersInTheField.