Designed for stress mitigation
Introducing Relax RX, designed for superior stress mitigation. Relax RX empowers plants to effectively defend against and recover from various stress factors, ensuring robust growth and productivity.
Crop-Specific Benefits:
- Relax RX combines powerful… READ MORE +
Rate 16oz. per Acre
Timing V1-R5
Application Foliar

Give your crops the nutrients they need to grow with Full Sun.
Give your crops the nutrients it needs to grow with Full Sun
It is critical to create reserves in your plants before the reproductive stage. Not only does Full Sun provide plants with the essential nutrients they need, but it also gives them the capabilities to maximize… READ MORE +
64 oz./acre
Foliar - V6 – R1
From product efficacy to ease of application, it is important to get your pH levels right - optimal solution ph range is 4.5-5.2.

Increase plant vigor and vitality.
AmiNo™ makes nutrient efficiency better than ever. This state-of-the-art foliar nitrogen product reduces nitrate demand and helps reduce overall nitrogen usage for maximum productivity.
Soil-Specific Benefits:
- Increased uptake of other nutrients – because… READ MORE +
Rate 16-24 oz. per Acre when applying V3-V8 32 oz. per Acre when applying V9-R2
Timing Foliar
Application Optimal pH range: 5.5-6.9

Give your plants the missing ingredient they need to be more productive with HumiCal!
HumiCal by BW Fusion is an essential product that keeps your soil healthy and rich in nutrients. Calcium helps promote proper plant development, and cell wall formation which ultimately provides the necessary strength for successful crops!
Crop-Specific… READ MORE +
1-3 gal/acre
Preplant, at planting, in-season, and Fall with coulter and or Y-drop applications
HumiCal is premixed and requires no additional water
1-3 gal/acre
Preplant, at planting, in-season, and Fall with coulter and or Y-drop applications
HumiCal is premixed and requires no additional water

Reduce Plant Stress and Drive Productivity for a Healthy Harvest

BW-PiKSi Dust Plus is a best-in-class plant stress reducer - using a beneficial potassium silica product to build robust cellular structures in any crop. After years of studies and farm trials, BW-Fusion recognized the facilitating capacity of potassium and calcium in supporting vital nutrient… READ MORE +
1.8 g/gal Solution
V3 Application
10 Days Post-Cutting

Build a Robust Defense System with Thriving Soil Microbial Communities
BW-Advance gives your crops the energy needed for optimal yields using a monster blend of nitrogen, phosphate, potash, boron, manganese, and zinc. This BW-Fusion product takes a top-down and bottom-up approach to growth, blending a unique team of beneficial microbes with amino acids, sugars, and… READ MORE +
0.5 gal/acre

Fight Stress Events and Limit Ethylene Production for Full Crop Cycles
BW-Respite is BW-Fusion’s soluble potash product, engineered to stop crop ethylene production during stress events. Ethylene is a gas released by plants during periods of stress that essentially causes them to shut down and begin their end-of-life cycle. By applying BW-Respite to crops during… READ MORE +
2-6 oz/acre
Foliar / Tank-Mixed with Herbicides, Pesticides, Foliar, Nutritional, & Fungicides

Amend Your Soil and Bring Booming Microbial Populations to Life
BW-NTrust is one of the most efficient and effective soil amendment support products in BW-Fusion’s lineup - formulated for application with liquid nitrogen to promote soil and plant health. This unique mix of beneficial microbes, fulvic acid, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum… READ MORE +
48-64 oz/acre
Side-Dress / Early Y-Drop with UAN / Pre-Plant Broadcast Mixed with UAN
V3 - V7/V8