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Road Show in the Rearview


We kicked off the new year in the best way by hitting the road to see YOU. We spent January on the road for our Agronomy Road Show, sharing our latest agronomic innovations and expert insights to set you up for the best. season. yet. From nitrogen and carbon cycles to how data from Agronomy 365 validates BW Fusion products, answering your questions and more, we packed years of insights into this event.

The Agronomy Road Show represents the growth of BW Fusion over the years and the history in the making that continues today. The first road show event took place at the same location that Bob Wagner, BW Fusion Dealer, hosted the first Biodyne grower meeting—the Pocahontas, IA County Expo Center. Those many years ago, Bob spoke to a crowd of 60 growers in Iowa. During the Agronomy Road Show, we were honored to speak to a room full of 220+ passionate individuals in that same place.

After 4 stops, 3 states and over 500 growers, we’re looking forward to even more conversations and opportunities to connect throughout the year. Thanks to all the growers who took time to learn with us. Check out these highlights from the Agronomy Road Show, and be on the lookout for more events this year.