How Residue Digesters Increase Soil and Crop Nutrient Levels
A Guthrie County, Iowa, grower saw their phosphorus and potassium levels double after just two years of applying Meltdown. Here’s the details:
14-year no-till corn on corn rotation
- Applications:
Spring-applied Meltdown: 32 oz/acre
15 gallons of water
180 units NH3
Environoc 401 applied with starter
Fall hog manure
Nutrient Level Impacts
Through Agronomy 365’s comprehensive soil and tissue data analysis, we saw that even in very different growing conditions, Meltdown consistently increased potassium levels. One season was highly wet and one was very dry, but there’s one thing you can count on—Meltdown gets the job done.
See the data for yourself:
But why does this matter?
Potassium is critical in managing environmental stress in plants, including drought,
disease and pest tolerance.
Plus, potassium is responsible for water’s movement and retention throughout much of the plant. If your plant is low on potassium, it’s likely low on water as well—which is extra concerning in a dry year like Guthrie County had.
Because potassium helps support water movement, it also aids in the flow of other elements, such as carbohydrates, throughout the plant, which is how plants build stress resistance. With the climate volatility and weather factors we've experienced lately, building stress tolerance to maintain plant quality is a must.
The difference in phosphorus levels takes the results to a whole new level—literally. We’re talking an average of 201% more phosphorus!
Phosphorus deficiency can have serious impacts on plant growth, maturity and yield. But why spend input dollars on phosphorus when your soil can provide enough itself? By using Meltdown, you can save money and time applying supplemental nutrients.
Yield Results
We love seeing improvements in crop and soil health, but we know that the bottom line is the make-or-break factor. For this grower, Meltdown unlocked average yield levels of 207.59 BPA.
We know BW-Meltdown is a residue-digesting machine, but this data shows that it does even more work behind the scenes. Meltdown helps by diversifying your soil makeup. This includes nutrients your field may be deficient in, such as potassium and phosphorus. It also releases carbon, which improves overall health and performance.
If you want to see the impact your crop inputs are having on your soil and tissue nutrient levels and overall crop health, take a look at Agronomy 365. Their season-long tissue and soil analysis validates your nutrient management decisions so you can see the proof in your own fields.
Comprehensive data about nutrient levels across multiple stages in the growing season empowers you to make informed management decisions—purchasing and applying the products you need, and skipping the ones you don’t. No more wasting time on guesswork.
Now is the time to take control over your fields to maximize your yields. Contact our team to learn about what Meltdown could do for your farming operation.

Stop Guessing. Start Growing.