Do Microbes From Last Year's Growing Season Survive the Winter?

Packing a punch in every inch of your farmland - literally - tiny but mighty microbes are at no rest during the winter months, sourcing food and energy to prepare for the growing season that lies ahead.
Do microbes hibernate during winter months?
With over 1 million microbes being found in one teaspoon of soil there is a lot of action happening in even a single acre of farmland. Microbes are believed to be one of the hardiest living organisms on the planet.
Microbes are able to survive in the harshest conditions, including temperatures ranging from a chilling -13ºF to a sweat dropping 260ºF.
Once the ground is frozen in the winter, microorganisms shift gears from making nutrients available to crops to primarily focusing on degrading organic carbon.
So the answer is no, microbes do not hibernate during the winter months, they are in fact very much active. But how do they survive? That’s next.
How do microbes survive the winter months?
As snow begins to fall and create a layer that covers the soil, the “frost layer” (aka the layer of organic matter) serves as a blanket to the soil and microbes, helping hold in those warmer temperatures.
We’ve already established that microbes do not in fact hibernate during the winter months as they are very much alive and active. The capacity of microorganisms is astonishingly similar to those in the summer months, though the growth rate is a bit lower. Why is this the case?
In the winter months as the rest of the earth is slowing down to prepare for the busy growing season that lies ahead come spring, microorganisms are in search of ways to survive from food and energy as there is not much available while the ground is at rest. How can we help?
By applying MeltDown after harvest, you’re not only unleashing a swath of over two dozen strains of microbes into your soil, but you’re also breaking down your in-field crop residue. MeltDown’s microbes work to make nutrients available for the microorganisms that can also be found in your soil. There are so many other in-field benefits by applying this product to your fields. See for yourself.
Now for the ultimate question.
How to add microorganisms to my soil?
Though many may seem invisible to the human eye, microbes have a large impact on the success of our crops, and a variety of other living organisms on our planet.
One of the main goals for microbes is to convert nitrogen and make nutrients available to plants. Without microorganisms our plants, as well as many things on our planet, would not be able to survive as they cannot source and breakdown these nutrients on their own.
If you’re looking for a way to build a swath of microorganisms within your fields, and truly maximize your fields potential, let’s get connected.