BW-Humic Fulvic 12%
BW-Humic Fulvic 12% is one of BW Fusion’s most popular planting products - combining liquid humic and fulvic acids for optimal cation uptake and absorption. Our blend of beneficial acids is a prime example of how a mineral chelator should function, bonding to macronutrients until the crop is ready for them. We specifically designed this product to buffer salts while simultaneously providing a food source for soil and plant biology. By adequately incorporating doses of BW-Humic Fulvic 12% during planting, you promote plant height, root density, and overall vigor for optimal crop production.
Soil-Specific Benefits:
- Improve nutrient-use efficiency by optimizing nutrient bioavailability
- Build a robust soil pH buffer
- Support microbial biomass for plant-microbe symbiosis
Crop-Specific Benefits:
- Promote vital plant metabolic processes for improved growth performance and increased yields
- Enhance nutrient uptake and distribution through the plant
- Improve tolerance to drought and heat
BW-Humic Fulvic 12% is suitable for all crops and comes as a liquid for easy application.
1-4 qt/acre
2x2 / Pre-Plant / Pre-Plant Broadcast / With UAN / Side-Dress UAN / Foliar

Contact us today for a customized crop nutrition solution that will work best with your needs. With their unmatched service, the BW Fusion agronomists are with you every step of the way to find a better crop nutrition solution.